Brazilian Butt Lift
What Is A BBL?
Do you wish your butt was more round and shapely? A Brazilian Butt Lift procedure could be the answer you’ve been looking for.
Lou Plastic Surgery combines liposuction and body augmentation to help patients achieve their desired shape. During the procedure, undesired fat deposits are removed from one part of your body and transferred to the buttocks.
Many people choose BBLs because they are unhappy with the size and shape of their butt. Others choose this procedure because working out and dieting could not give them the desired results. A Brazilian Butt Lift can also address issues that occur with age, such as loss of shape and sagging. Dr. Derek Lou is a fellowship-trained, board-certified cosmetic surgeon who can help you achieve the shapely body you want through a BBL in Houston, TX.
Benefits of A Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure has many benefits, especially when it is performed by experienced and qualified plastic surgeons like Dr. Derek Lou. A trained surgeon can produce incredible and, most importantly, natural-looking results.
One of the most important benefits of a BBL is that this procedure can be a boost to your self-esteem. If the perfect shape has evaded you despite exercise and a healthy diet, a BBL may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Not only do the results look natural, but your clothing will also look and fit you better. A Brazilian Butt Lift’s effects can last for a long time, and it is safer than other procedures, such as silicone implants which carry a higher risk of infection.
Ideal Candidate for a BBL
At your consultation, the team at Lou Plastic Surgery will help determine if you are an ideal candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift. If the following apply to you, you may be a good candidate for this procedure:
Your clothes don’t fit comfortably
Your natural shape was lost because of weight fluctuation or age
You do not smoke
You have a healthy lifestyle overall and exercise regularly
You have fat stores in other parts of your body that can be used for the procedure
You have not had infections or complications from recent surgeries
Brazilian Butt Lift - Procedure Technique
A Brazilian butt lift is a fat grafting procedure, which means fat is taken from one part of the body and injected into another area. For this procedure, patients are typically put under anesthesia. In some cases where only a small amount of fat is transferred, local anesthesia is used instead.
Dr. Lou will first use liposuction to take fat from your stomach, hips, thighs, and other parts of the body where excess fat is present. This technique is performed through a small incision where a cannula is inserted to remove the fat. After purifying and processing the fat that was removed, it is prepared for injection.
The fat is then injected into targeted areas of the buttocks. Three to five incisions are made in the area where the fat is inserted so the butt can be sculpted and shaped. The end result is a rounder, fuller butt.
After the procedure is complete, the incisions are stitched up and compression clothing is placed over the surgery area. This will help prevent the risk of bleeding.
Post Surgery - The Recovery Process
Operations on the buttocks, such as Brazilian Butt Lifts, require specific care during the recovery period. Although most patients experience some pain, it is typically minimal and is easily treated with pain medication. The biggest adjustment for patients is not being able to sit or lie on their buttocks for approximately 2 weeks post-surgery.
During those 2 weeks, patients are instructed to sleep and rest only on their side or stomach. Sitting for short periods on the toilet is fine, but all other activities should be done standing up. After some healing time has passed, your surgeon may advise you to sit in a specific position or to use a special “donut” pillow or seat that will help keep pressure off your buttocks.
Around 1 week after surgery, your surgeon may advise you to return to your normal daily activities that are not strenuous. Depending on your job, you may be able to return to work around 10 to 14 days post-surgery.
Life After BBL, What to Expect
One major benefit of Brazilian Butt Lifts is that results can last for many years. The fat cells that are removed during liposuction will not return to the area. In addition, the fat cells that are injected into the buttocks will remain there for many years. It is worth noting, however, that if your weight fluctuates significantly after your surgery, this could greatly affect your results. Fat cells that were left in the liposuctioned areas can become larger. Alternatively, if you lose weight, the fat cells that were injected into the buttocks can become smaller. It is advisable to maintain your weight in order to keep your BBL shape.
Approximately 6 months after your surgery, you should see the final results of your BBL, once residual swelling has dissipated and your body has fully healed. You will note your rounder butt and better proportions, as well as how well your clothing now fits.
BBL Side Effects and Risks
As with any invasive surgery, Brazilian Butt Lift procedures have some side effects and risks to consider. The most common side effects are bruising, soreness, and swelling in the areas where fat was removed and injected. These can all be treated with pain medication prescribed by your surgeon. Side effects should subside with enough healing time and rest.
Other risks include blood clots, fat embolism, and infections. However, these are rare, especially if your BBL surgery is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Derek Lou. Patients can also prevent infection by keeping the incision and injection areas clean and wearing compression garments as instructed by the surgeon.
BBL versus buttock implants
People who are considering increasing their butt size are often faced with a decision -- should they get a Brazilian butt lift or buttocks implants? There are several reasons why BBL might be a better choice compared to butt implants.
One advantage of a BBL is that it removes undesired fat from one area of your body, and uses that fat to give you a rounder, fuller shape. For people who are thin or don’t have excess fat, butt implants are a better option. However, although butt implants achieve the same effect as BBLs, they may not look or feel as natural. In addition, butt implants carry more risks during and after surgery, including a higher risk of infection.
Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs
Are Brazilian butt lifts painful?
BBL procedures are typically performed under anesthesia, so you should not feel any pain during surgery. Some pain after surgery is typical for this kind of procedure, although many patients describe a feeling of soreness in the area which causes discomfort. Surgeons usually prescribe pain medication to alleviate pain and soreness during the recovery period. Wearing compression clothing over the surgical area is also important.
How long does a BBL last?
Brazilian butt lifts last several years and for some patients, they can last over a decade. Because the body changes as we age, this can affect how long your BBL procedure lasts. It is recommended for your weight to remain consistent over the years to maintain your results longer.
How much do BBLs cost?
If you are interested in this procedure, call the offices of Lou Plastic Surgeons to schedule a consultation. Dr. Derek Lou can help determine if you are an ideal candidate and go over a treatment plan, as well as financing options.
How long does it take to heal after a Brazilian butt lift?
After the BBL surgery, you will not be able to sit or lie on your back for approximately 2 weeks. Afterward, you can sit with only a support pillow so you don’t injure the area. After about 8 weeks, you should be able to sit normally. During this recovery period, you should also avoid exercising or exerting yourself.
Will I have scarring after surgery
For this procedure, there are small incisions made where fat is removed and where it is injected. However, these are relatively small, so scars will be minimal or barely noticeable if they heal properly.
When can I return to work?
As long as your work is not physically intensive, you may be able to return 10 to 14 days after your BBL surgery. If your job involves long periods of sitting, it is advised for you to use a standing desk during the recovery period instead.
Do I need to gain weight before surgery?
For this procedure, patients need to have some fat stored in their body (such as in the stomach or hips) that can be used for the butt lift. However, gaining weight may impact your overall shape, so it is not always advisable. If you are unsure if you are a candidate for a BBL, you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Derek Lou and go over your options.
BBL in Houston, TX
Brazilian Butt Lifts are a great option for people who have attempted to achieve a plump, curvaceous butt, yet struggle to reach their desired results. A BBL has a huge benefit over other procedures because it combines liposuction with body augmentation. Unwanted excess fat from one part of your body will be removed and used to shape your new buttocks. The end result is a rounded butt that will boost your confidence for many years to come.
For invasive procedures such as Brazilian Butt Lifts, you want to rely on experienced, certified surgeons like Dr. Derek Lou. During your consultation, he will address any concerns you may have about the procedure. Call our plastic surgery office today to schedule your consultation for a Brazilian Butt Lift in Houston, TX.